Thursday, July 30, 2009

byGamer:Unofficial World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Guide part 9
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An example: Balance Druids, Unholy Death Knights and Warlocks all have a debuff which increases magic damage taken by the target by 13-15%. These debuffs do not stack. You definitely need this debuff in a raid, but you are no longer forced to look specifically for a warlock to get it. Warlocks won't like that, but there are many other examples. This change should make it easier to put a raid together without desperately looking for any one specific class


Traditionally, warrior tanks have been the main tanks for the majority of 25 man raids. This changes ever so slightly with BC, which brought paladin and druid tanks a little more to the forefront. Blizzard decided it wasn't enough, and felt that the tanks should be much more equal. The goal was to make Death Knights, Feral Druids, Prot Paladins and Prot Warriors all equally viable in tanking raid content. All four received good AE aggro capabilities, easier threat management and good single target tanking tools.

Further tanking things of interest:–Crushing blows can only be dealt by mobs 4 levels above you. Raid bosses are at most 3 levels above you, which means that CB's are no longer a factor for tanks.–Defensive Avoidance stats have diminishing returns. Defense Rating, Parry, Dodge etc all provide a smaller increase the more of it you have.

Spell Interruption

Spell casting times have always been increased dramatically when taking direct damage. If you hit someone fast enough, it can take ages to get a spell with a cast time off. This has been changed for both regular and channeled spells. It now works like this:

Regular spellsWhile casting a spell, the first and second hit you take will increase casting time by 0.5 seconds each. Any damage taken beyond that does not effect the cast time. At most, someone can increase you cast time for any one spell by 1 second.

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