Wednesday, July 29, 2009

bygamer: Unofficial World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Guide part 8
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Auction houses and Trainers

Just as with Outland, Northrend has no auction house or skill trainers available. You will still have to visit the old capital cities for this.

Game Mechanic Changes

A number of important changes to statistics and mechanics occurred in WotLK.

Damage and Healing

combinedOne of the most notable changes is the merging of +healing and + spell damage on gear into a singular stat named Spell Power. All passive item effects that strictly affect healing were converted to grant Spell Power. Healing spells were adjusted to compensate for the lower total amount of Spell Power. Healers will now be able to deal meaningful damage when healing doesn't require their undivided attention.

Ratings for both melee and spells

Hit Rating, Haste Rating and Crit rating found on items all apply to both physical abilities and spells

Fewer items

The aforementioned changes allowed Blizzard to reduce the amount of items you can find on instance bosses. This may not seem like a positive thing, but its meant to reduce the amount of overspecialized gear that no one wants.It will also result in healers now rolling on the stuff dps casters are gunning for and vice versa, which is expected to lead to more drama, sadly.

Raidwide Buffs

Previously group based buffs such as Power Word: Fortitude, Totems, Blessings, Blood Lust, etcetera now affect the entire raid. This is a pretty big shift from how things used to be, and it makes group composition much less important.

Buff and Debuff

stackingBuff and Debuff stacking has been changed. Blizzard decided to move away from having any one class bring a critical buff or debuff to the raid, so they spread these abilities around to multiple classes, whilst preventing them from stacking.

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